Focus : What will change for me with the CMRC?

I work or I have worked in Monaco; I am retired: What will change for me with the CMRC?
I work or I have worked in Monaco.
I am retired or I am going to retire.
Whatever your situation, the management of your rights will continue:
I am an employee or I have been an employee in Monaco:
- What is the impact on my supplementary pension points?
Supplementary pension rights acquired for any salaried activity exercised in Monaco which were registered by Agirc-Arrco will be transferred to the CMRC on 1 January 2024. Thus, your Agirc-Arrco points account will no longer take into account rights acquired for an activity in Monaco. They will be counted towards your CMRC points account.
- The transfer of points is established according to a simple rule: 1 Agirc-Arrco point = 1 CMRC point.
The supplementary pension points acquired for periods of activity carried out after this date will be calculated according to the rules of the CMRC.
- What is the impact on my future supplementary pension?
Retirement age will be the same as that of the CAR: the legal age is set at 65 but it will be possible to obtain retirement without reduction from the age of 60, provided that you have ceased all professional activity (in Monaco or abroad) and any payment.
If you have had a mixed career, your periods of activity in France will continue to be managed by Agirc-Arrco and the conditions for obtaining the French supplementary pension will be those of this scheme.
- What is the impact on my payslip?
There will be no reduction in net salary due to CMRC contributions.
Contribution rates for supplementary pension will be similar when the new scheme comes into force.
I already retired from Agirc-Arrco before January 1, 2024:
AGIRC ARRCO will continue to pay your retirement pensions without modification.
I will retire after January 1, 2024:
- Who will be in charge of my retirement?
The points awarded by Agirc-Arrco for a period of activity in Monaco will be transferred to the CMRC, which will ensure payment of all rights acquired in the Principality.
Agirc-Arrco will pay for periods of salaried activity carried out in France.
- What are the steps to take?
If you have career updates to request, you may find this article interesting.
If you have had a mixed career (in Monaco and in France), you can make your pension request to Agirc-Arrco six months before your desired retirement date. CMRC will be informed.
If your career was exclusively in Monaco, your pension application must be submitted directly to the CMRC in the month preceding the desired retirement date.
If you want further information, you can consult our FAQs which provide detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions.